Hey there, I'm Daniel. I'm fascinated by waves. My research work is all about numerically solving such physical phenomena and combining it with state-of-the-art tomographic techniques. During the last few years I spent a large amount of time focussing on seismic wave propagation and regional to global tomography.

Most recently, I was enhancing spectral-element software for regional and global seismic wave propagation. This work involved code optimization to increase computational speed on high-performance computing (HPC) facilities (SPECFEM3D_GLOBE), as well as the implementation of a new, more flexible fluid and elastic domain solver (SPECFEM3D), coupling pressure waves in fluids with seismic waves in elastic materials.

All this work was done together with a lot of very smart people. The codes are freely available at www.specfem.org. The global code also produces synthetics and movies in near-real time for CMT earthquakes, seen at global.shakemovie.princeton.edu.

You will find more details about my former research group work here: Seismic Modeling and Inversion (SMI). I was a faculty member at KAUST, Saudi Arabia, focussing as assistant professor in the Earth Sciences and Engineering (ErSE) Program on computational algorithms for high-performance computing in seismology.

Previous support came from the Swiss Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC), where I was responsible for the application support of the HPC network 'Solid Earth Dynamics'.