Table of Contents

Running through a Scheduler

The code is usually run on large parallel machines, often PC clusters, most of which use schedulers, i.e., queuing or batch management systems to manage the running of jobs from a large number of users. The following considerations need to be taken into account when running on a system that uses a scheduler:

We describe here in some detail a job submission procedure for the Caltech 1024-node cluster, CITerra, under the LSF scheduling system. We consider the submission of a regular forward simulation. The two main scripts are run_lsf.bash, which compiles the Fortran code and submits the job to the scheduler, and go_mesher_solver_lsf .bash, which contains the instructions that make up the job itself. These scripts can be found in utils/Cluster/lsf directory and can straightforwardly be modified and adapted to meet more specific running needs.


This script first sets the job queue to be ‘normal’. It then compiles the mesher and solver together, figures out the number of processors required for this simulation from DATA/Par_file, and submits the LSF job.

# use the normal queue unless otherwise directed queue="-q normal"
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
  echo"Setting the queue to $1"
  queue="-q $1"
# compile the mesher and the solver
echo"Starting compilation $d"

make clean
make meshfem3D
make create_header_file


make specfem3D

echo"Finished compilation $d"

# compute total number of nodes needed
NPROC_XI=`grep ^NPROC_XI DATA/Par_file | cut -c 34- `
NPROC_ETA=`grep ^NPROC_ETA DATA/Par_file | cut -c 34- `
NCHUNKS=`grep ^NCHUNKS DATA/Par_file | cut -c 34- `

# total number of nodes is the product of the values read
numnodes=$(( $NCHUNKS * $NPROC_XI * $NPROC_ETA ))

echo "Submitting job"
bsub $queue -n $numnodes -W 60 -K <go_mesher_solver_lsf_globe.bash


This script describes the job itself, including setup steps that can only be done once the scheduler has assigned a job-ID and a set of compute nodes to the job, the run_lsf.bash commands used to run the mesher and the solver, and calls to scripts that collect the output seismograms from the compute nodes and perform clean-up operations.

  1. First the script directs the scheduler to save its own output and output from stdout into OUTPUT_FILES/%J.o, where %J is short-hand for the job-ID; it also tells the scheduler what version of mpich to use (mpich_gm) and how to name this job (go_mesher_solver_lsf).

  2. The script then creates a list of the nodes allocated to this job by echoing the value of a dynamically set environment variable LSB_MCPU_HOSTS and parsing the output into a one-column list using the Perl script utils/Cluster/lsf/ It then creates a set of scratch directories on these nodes (/scratch/ $USER/DATABASES_MPI) to be used as the LOCAL_PATH for temporary storage of the database files. The scratch directories are created using shmux, a shell multiplexor that can execute the same commands on many hosts in parallel. shmux is available from Shmux. Make sure that the LOCAL_PATH parameter in DATA/Par_file is also set properly.

  3. The next portion of the script launches the mesher and then the solver using run_lsf.bash.

  4. The final portion of the script performs clean up on the nodes using the Perl script


#!/bin/bash -v
#BSUB -a mpich_gm
#BSUB -J go_mesher_solver_lsf

echo "$LSB_MCPU_HOSTS" > OUTPUT_FILES/lsf_machines
echo "$LSB_JOBID" > OUTPUT_FILES/jobid

./ OUTPUT_FILES/lsf_machines > OUTPUT_FILES/machines

# Modif : create a directory for this job
shmux -M50 -Sall \
 -c "mkdir -p /scratch/$USER;mkdir -p $BASEMPIDIR.$LSB_JOBID" - < OUTPUT_FILES/machines >/dev/null

# Set the local path in Par_file
sed -e "s:^LOCAL_PATH .*:LOCAL_PATH = $BASEMPIDIR.$LSB_JOBID:" < DATA/Par_file > DATA/Par_file.tmp
mv DATA/Par_file.tmp DATA/Par_file


mpirun.lsf --gm-no-shmem --gm-copy-env $current_pwd/bin/xmeshfem3D
mpirun.lsf --gm-no-shmem --gm-copy-env $current_pwd/bin/xspecfem3D

# clean up OUTPUT_FILES/machines DATA/Par_file

run_lsf.kernel and go_mesher_solver_globe.kernel

For kernel simulations, you can use the sample run scripts run_lsf.kernel and go_mesher_solver_globe .kernel provided in utils/Cluster directory, and modify the command-line arguments of xcreate_adjsrc_traveltime in go_mesher_solver_globe.kernel according to the start and end time of the specific portion of the forward seismograms you are interested in.

This documentation has been automatically generated by pandoc based on the User manual (LaTeX version) in folder doc/USER_MANUAL/ (Dec 20, 2023)