Table of Contents

Getting Started

To download the SPECFEM2D software package, type this:

git clone --recursive --branch devel

Then, to configure the software for your system, run the configure shell script. This script will attempt to guess the appropriate configuration values for your system. However, at a minimum, it is recommended that you explicitly specify the appropriate command names for your Fortran compiler (another option is to define FC, CC and MPIF90 in your .bash_profile or your .cshrc file):

    ./configure FC=gfortran CC=gcc

If you want to run in parallel, i.e., using more than one processor core, then you would type

    ./configure FC=gfortran CC=gcc MPIFC=mpif90 --with-mpi

You can replace the GNU compilers above (gfortran and gcc) with other compilers if you want to; for instance for Intel ifort and icc use FC=ifort CC=icc instead.

Before running the configure script, you should probably edit file flags.guess to make sure that it contains the best compiler options for your system. Known issues or things to check are:

Intel ifort compiler
See if you need to add -assume byterecl for your machine. In the case of that compiler, we have noticed that initial release versions sometimes have bugs or issues that can lead to wrong results when running the code, thus we strongly recommend using a version for which at least one service pack or update has been installed. In particular, for version 17 of that compiler, users have reported problems (making the code crash at run time) with the -assume buffered_io option; if you notice problems, remove that option from file flags.guess or change it to -assume nobuffered_io and try again.

IBM compiler
See if you need to add -qsave or -qnosave for your machine.

Mac OS
You will probably need to install Xcode.

The SPECFEM2D software package relies on the SCOTCH library to partition meshes. The SCOTCH library (Pellegrini and Roman 1996) provides efficient static mapping, graph and mesh partitioning routines. SCOTCH is a free software package developed by François Pellegrini et al. from LaBRI and Inria in Bordeaux, France, downloadable from the web page In case no SCOTCH libraries can be found on the system, the configuration will bundle the version provided with the source code for compilation. The path to an existing SCOTCH installation can to be set explicitly with the option --with-scotch-dir. Just as an example:

    ./configure FC=ifort MPIFC=mpif90 --with-mpi --with-scotch-dir=/opt/scotch

If you use the Intel ifort compiler to compile the code, we recommend that you use the Intel icc C compiler to compile Scotch, i.e., use:

    ./configure CC=icc FC=ifort MPIFC=mpif90

For further details about the installation of SCOTCH, go to subdirectory scotch_5.1.11/ and read INSTALL.txt. You may want to download more recent versions of SCOTCH in the future from SCOTCH gitlab repository. Support for the METIS graph partitioner has been discontinued because SCOTCH is more recent and performs better.

When compiling the SCOTCH source code, if you get a message such as: “ld: cannot find -lz”, the Zlib compression development library is probably missing on your machine and you will need to install it or ask your system administrator to do so. On Linux machines the package is often called “zlib1g-dev” or similar (thus “sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev” would install it).

You can add --enable-vectorization to the configuration options to speed up the code in the fluid (acoustic) and elastic parts. This works fine if (and only if) your computer always allocates a contiguous memory block for each allocatable array; this is the case for most machines and most compilers, but not all. To check if that option works fine on your machine, run the code with and without it for an acoustic/elastic model and make sure the seismograms are identical.

You may edit the Makefile for more specific modifications. Especially, there are several options available:

After these steps, go back to the main directory of SPECFEM2D/ and type


to create all executables which will be placed into the folder ./bin/.

By default, the solver runs in single precision. This is fine for most application, but if for some reason you want to run the solver in double precision, run the configure script with option “--enable-double-precision”. Keep in mind that this will of course double total memory size and will also make the solver around 20 to 30% slower on many processors.

If your compiler has problems with the use mpi statements that are used in the code, use the script called in the root directory to replace all of them with include ‘mpif.h’ automatically.

If you have problems configuring the code on a Cray machine, i.e. for instance if you get an error message from the configure script, try exporting these two variables: MPI_INC=$CRAY_MPICH2_DIR/include and FCLIBS=" ", and for more details if needed you can refer to the utils/infos/Cray_compiler_information directory. You can also have a look at the configure script called utils/infos/Cray_compiler_information/configure_SPECFEM_for_Piz_Daint.bash.

For people who would like to run the package on Windows rather than on Unix machines, you can install Docker or VirtualBox (installing a Linux in VirtualBox in that latter case) and run it easily from inside that.

We recommend that you add ulimit -S -s unlimited to your .bash_profile file and/or limit stacksize unlimited to your .cshrc file to suppress any potential limit to the size of the Unix stack.

Using the GPU version of the code

SPECFEM2D supports GPU acceleration by CUDA. When compiling for GPU cards, you can enable the CUDA version with:

  ./configure --with-cuda ..


  ./configure --with-cuda=cuda9 ..

where for example cuda4,cuda5,cuda6,cuda7,.. specifies the target GPU architecture of your card, (e.g., with CUDA 9 this refers to Volta V100 cards), rather than the installed version of the CUDA toolkit. Before CUDA version 5, one version supported basically one new architecture and needed a different kind of compilation. Since version 5, the compilation has stayed the same, but newer versions supported newer architectures. However at the moment, we still have one version linked to one specific architecture:

- CUDA 4 for Tesla,   cards like K10, Geforce GTX 650, ..
- CUDA 5 for Kepler,  like K20
- CUDA 6 for Kepler,  like K80
- CUDA 7 for Maxwell, like Quadro K2200
- CUDA 8 for Pascal,  like P100
- CUDA 9 for Volta,   like V100
- CUDA 10 for Turing, like GeForce RTX 2080
- CUDA 11 for Ampere, like A100
- CUDA 12 for Hopper, like H100

So even if you have the new CUDA toolkit version 11, but you want to run on say a K20 GPU, then you would still configure with:

  ./configure --with-cuda=cuda5

The compilation with the cuda5 setting chooses then the right architecture (-gencode=arch=compute_35,code=sm_35 for K20 cards).

Adding OpenMP support in addition to MPI

OpenMP support can be enabled in addition to MPI. However, in many cases performance will not improve because our pure MPI implementation is already heavily optimized and thus the resulting code will in fact be slightly slower. A possible exception could be IBM BlueGene-type architectures.

To enable OpenMP, add the flag --enable-openmp to the configuration:

./configure --enable-openmp ..

This will add the corresponding OpenMP flag for the chosen Fortran compiler. Please note that only the elastic domain solver has OpenMP support for now.

Visualizing the subroutine calling tree of the source code

Packages such as doxywizard can be used to visualize the subroutine calling tree of the source code. Doxywizard is a GUI front-end for configuring and running doxygen.

To visualize the call tree (calling tree) of the source code, you can see the Doxygen tool available in directory doc/call_trees_of_the_source_code.

Becoming a developer of the code, or making small modifications in the source code

If you want to develop new features in the code, and/or if you want to make small changes, improvements, or bug fixes, you are very welcome to contribute! To do so, i.e. to access the development branch of the source code with read/write access (in a safe way, no need to worry too much about breaking the package, there are CI tests based on BuildBot, Travis-CI and Jenkins in place that are checking and validating all new contributions and changes), please visit this Web page:


Pellegrini, F., and J. Roman. 1996. “SCOTCH: A Software Package for Static Mapping by Dual Recursive Bipartitioning of Process and Architecture Graphs.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1067: 493–98.

This documentation has been automatically generated by pandoc based on the User manual (LaTeX version) in folder doc/USER_MANUAL/ (Aug 26, 2024)